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Colonel Science

A member registered Nov 01, 2019

Recent community posts

This sounds like a great plan! I am especially hyped for the Tommy/Ellis route, but I'd love to see as many as possible, I hope they get funded!

Idk if the game is going to have an ost but if so, that might also be a good reward. If you plan on setting up a discord community for the game, you could also offer special roles/access to extra channels. 

If it isn't included I'm never gonna be able to choose between Tommy and Ellis 馃槶

These all sound great but personally I'd be most interested in polyamorous/matchmaker routes

This demo was fantastic! I'm already in love with your characters, especially Ellis and Tommy. I can't wait to see where the game goes from here! I saw that you mentioned a kickstarter, but I didn't see it linked anywhere and couldn't find it with a google search. Is it currently active? Either way, I'm definitely gonna keep an eye on this project and any future projects you put out.

I am in love with this game already. The character designs are fantastic and the writing is charming as hell, I can't wait to see more!

The link to the android version on the Play Store is broken, and searching for it on the app itself doesn't yield any results. Has the game been removed from Google Play? If so, is there any way to purchase the apk file?